Bobae tower researches (Jaa/Jane)

Bobae tower filled up with 4 towers, the basement - 6 floor of the tower is a wholesale shopping mall, 7-10 floor is a car park and the least of the building is the Prince Palace hotel.

I have researched some history about the building on Bobae tower website and the hotel website but I only got a plans of the market section (7 Floors including the basement). For the hotel plan, I think we need to contract the building office (if nessesary?).

As we walked around the building, here are some issues we have seen
- the pathway was so small because many shops use an over limit space and people use it for delivery product packages very often. 
- there are a lot of shops but less customer.  
- the building is kind of old and dirty compared with the hotel side.

Jane and I plan to visit the tower again this weekend also with other groups. 

ps. I'm still working on the reading space improvement, I will try to post it before monday. Jaa 

sand bags question.

will you accept everyone who is willing to participate in this project?

 for example, what if it doesn't turn out to be as good as artist Jitti's popularity and reputation? because im sure there will be artists and designers coming to this event and they expect more to see something great.

im just scared that im not good enough, and if there are limited places for this, I rather let other student who is more professional to do this.

im just saying.. and asking..


How is everything going?


How are the projects and production going?

Send images and questions if you need advices...

Remember to bring all your work from the beginning of the reading project - at least make a panel about the previous phases, to explain the thread in your work.
+ study models and other experiments
+ all the panels previously listed, that you already started for last pin-up
+ the requirements as discussed last tutorial
+ FLASH animation!

We might have one guest critique...
good luck to all


discuss-chy to final

i agree with what you mentioned in class today. i think when we want our presentation drawings to be so neat, precise and clean, sometimes it just constrains us and makes us feel afraid to draw something on it. I rather mess them up with arrows, descriptions, tiny free-hand drawings or even a ugly sticky man than keeping it clean but uninformative and useless.

so, just thank you for pulling me out from the invisible deceptive constraint of my own deception. haha

and I just found out the mirror thing that i showed you this afternoon. it's called "pseudoscope"

" Pseudoscope is a binocular optical instrumentthat reverses depth perception. It is used to study human stereoscopic perception. Objects viewed through it appear inside out, for example: a box on a floor, would appear as a box shaped hole in the floor.
It typically uses sets of optical prisms, or periscopically arranged mirrors to swap the view of the left eye with that of the right eye."

"The pseudoscope does to front and back what a mirror does to left and right. This means that foreground becomes background and visible background becomes foreground, or more simply, background advances, foreground recedes."

     it needs to be constructed precisely with good quality of mirror, otherwise it will not work well.

"this is super interesting" right?



cockroache DNA storage

here is the link


I did it!!!!!!

 I finally froze Garfield :D !!!!
I'll bring it tomorrow and show a video.


for tomorrow

PRINT your images / work / plates / plans / etc. even and especially if not finished
I WILL NOT LOOK AT LAPTOP SCREENS - it is super important that you realize what it really looks like on paper... if not now, Sunday evening is always too late....!

and bring all your plates (even unfinished...) in smaller format if you want

you should now all be starting the final requirements

Jane and Boon - you need to work very hard today and bring forward your own peculiar design proposal, even if it is a strange one.... just be conscious of what you are doing and of the position you are taking, As long as you can talk and show awareness and intelligence, it is good!
Go back in time a little, revisit and try to bring back all the things you have been researching and working on and develop something consistent enough for tomorrow so we can move forward. 


Error of Exporting flash file

Now I'm done with the work, my work is an animation which showed part of my space in game. It's about 23 seconds. But There's a problem after I finished exporting movie didn't run up like it showed in flash. So I may submit the error one to you first and showed the other on tomorrow.


work for tutorial tomorrow

While continuing to develop all the panels you started this week for the presentation,
(reminder = 
  • SITUATION - chosen/imagined situation (location-time-context...)---with images, explanation texts, sketches in section, plans, etc.
  • RESEARCH - cases studies / material studies / physical, psychological studies / etc.
  • READING - your definition of reading + the units of reading (all 100 or excerpts, principle, categories) in images, sketches and texts + anything you think fit
  • PROCESS (more than one plate) - the way your reading space works (it can be in precise sketches, perspective rendering, detailed diagrams,  plans, sections, according to what suits best your project and what we discussed today during tutorial) 

...work harder on PROCESS / PROJECT DESCRIPTION with :
- description of your project through drawings (perspective renderings - any media of your liking)
- plans / sections / + any view of your choice

And find a name for your project....
See you tomorrow!

DO NOT MISS - today sunday march 18 - at chula

A Phenomenon in Theatre and Robotic Engineering

Android-Human Theater "Sayonara"

Asian Premiere (outside Japan) 


Another Borges story of book and infinity... (for Po)




This is my new design.

First floor: Present

A round lobby with a glass ceiling. On the walls are a map of the knobs that would be seen on the second floor. The actual knobs that open the door will be filled in with a color while the knobs that do nothing are just outlines. New people would not understand until they have experienced the past. There are two stairs leading up to the second floor

Second floor: Past

A circular hallway with an elevated path in the middle. Instead of using LED floors to measure movement, chimes are used instead. When the person have to step off, they have to wade through the chimes. The chimes will hit each other and generate sound, and that sound is used to measure the person's movement. The walls are a hard surface to enable longer echoes. There are knobs on the wall that when you turn the right one, it unlocks a hidden door which can be slide open. The ceiling is mirror. The chimes will block much of the mirror so you can only see the path, the way that you "should" go.

Third floor: Future

9 small circular rooms. To get there you have to walk through a tunnel and up a staircase. The tunnel and staircase walls are line with bells so if you brush past it, it will sound. One you get to to room, both the wall and ceiling (and maybe the floor too?) are made of tinted glass. You can see the area outside (Present) but it is slightly different because of the tint on the glass. The glass are one way glass so you can look out but others cant look in. Different futures can not see each other. If you bend down and look through the peek hole, you can look at the past (remembering is hard so I made this hard to access)

Space: In a open part of a park (Or any open area)

Exterior: Metallic exterior that reflects the surrounding.

Do you have any suggestions and comments for me? :)
Thank you
Dear Aj Camille

According to last pin-up, my space is just a box shape which is focusing on activity inside the space too much. It my big mistake. However,  now i'm thinking of an idea about make people play with parts of my space. Now my idea is to make my space as a puzzle which inspired by this game http://www.arcadepark.net/34791-Car-Puzzle.html   "Car Puzzle", and space will made of moving wall all over the space. But in the space will use the condition of last model (narrow space, low ceiling, bloody, dark, and low temperature). People who come is who want to challenge themselves (no more attacking and forcing them hahahaha) and time they spent is the unit that i'll use. I'll post my drawing on the blog when i finished this design process as soon as possible.



moving forward...

For all

For most of you the boards were successful yesterday - well done!
But be careful with text and size of images (not too much text - edit it - and not too small images...)
Also, it is time now to develop an aesthetic for your presentation....

and this T&S exercise is a good way to start actually.
The most important aspect of this animation (regarding studio project) is that you do not follow the given flash/illustrator minimal-realistic (or whatever they call it..) aesthetics but CREATE YOUR OWN.
So you should import images, of your site, your sketches, your models etc.
You can then live trace them in illustrator as you know how to do... or add drawings animated on top...
As you wish but your animations should be visually perspiring your project....

Please give a name to your project now!

....individual comments :

All these topics and the link you make between them are truly fascinating and definitely you should push this forward.
Now it is about defining how to do so...
For the philosophical and intellectual aspects of your project, you should really read about (genetic) determinism. And reflect upon the proposal you made yesterday.
This said, you can go back a little, and change direction (as we discussed yesterday).
You need a brain-storming session - and please ask me questions - i could give you a direction but it would be better (and i know you can) i you found it yourself - you have all keys in hand (from the story, through the game, to genetic disorders...).
Update your work soon on the blog for further comments - really important!!

You started by 2 buildings, which as we discussed were more 2 logics (don't forget this - this is the generative mode of your project) - now we have identified them :
- reading time
- travelling time
These two need to be developed and fed with examples (you have Jantar Mantar for the first, but nothing so far for the second...although i gave you lots of links... and you also had your research from the 3d diagram - make use of all this!)
And then it is about the relation between the two...
What are your ideas for this?/
Think again about your location - the Earth has some very peculiar locations when it comes to sunlight (think about the poles, the equator, the tropics, etc.) i really think the idea we came up with yesterday of having your project disseminated in (a 100?) spots on the globe has a lot of potential - also because it involves physical travelling/displacement (which you talked about before)...

You started with emotions - through colours (and did a research on this - don't forget this - it could be useful when it comes to material or appearance of your work - artists working with colours and colour perception such as Ives Klein or James Turrell could inspire you).
And then you identified 2 main emotions - pulsions - drives - for human beings = death and sex.
I still think this has a lot of potential - don't be afraid now - you started it - go all the way!
The Chamber of Death you presented yesterday was absolutely not designed. It could be yes very simple and cold but this especially needs to be carefully designed and carefully integrated into a situation.
Do not forget also that you were talking about films and video games - spaces of projection where we do feel fear and arousal. This combination could be interesting.
Now all the elements are there - you need to define your project - what is the reading - who reads what or whom - what and where is the situation - etc.
Please post on the blog as soon as possible.

You also have a very interesting topic - imagination, alienation...
I think your decision to have 100 forms of phobia related to space is great.
But maybe it is the architecture who is neurotic-psychotic and not necessarily only the patients... what if the room was really getting smaller? the void greater? etc.
Since you started with the Garden of Time, another novel from the same writer, Ballard, actually imagines this - psychotropic houses.... I think this could be very interesting.
The situation you chose also needs to be defined more precisely - an additional room, set of rooms - alternative circulations - ??
Please update your work soon.

For both of you, the philosopher we mentioned yesterday is Michel Foucault.
He wrote notably books called
Madness and Civilisation
Discipline and Punish
and The History of Sexuality
You can have a look now - and go deeper into these readings later. They are very very good.

A little bit of work... but not enough (of course!)
At least you should have tried holograms in different techniques - it could be super interesting, even just as an addition to your project - and then you will see if you can include it or not.
Google hand made hologram and you will find this ( i wonder why you did not find it...). It is a simple but very interesting technique and it will force you to concentrate and understand a physical phenomenon. So do this for Monday (once you have understood the principles, you can laser-cut the plastic sheet with a drawing you will make especially). You should try many ways for this projection/illusion.
And for your project specifically, choose a situation (jungle? which? why?) and make a panel to describe it and how your project (and projections) will interact with it. If you think you have found your way with this holographic method, then make models with a projection device inside, the surfaces of reflections, the circulation of the visitors, where they would be seating, lying down, etc. how to enter and exit your structure - what materials other than glass --- design everything to create the effects you are after.
In addition, you should also study Darwin's Evolution of Species - especially the sketches he made - you have to understand his work.

What happened? Where are you stuck and why??
You can use a 3d grid to develop your project, but only if it helps you... Right now it seems only to constrain you. So i would recommend that you put it aside fro a while - (the rubix cube as well).
Go back to your original and very beautiful idea of deception.
What and how do we read a 100 deceptive ways, paths, exits, etc.
Think about using artefacts such as mirrors as well...
And make the panels you were supposed to make for yesterday's presentation....
Post on blog soon.

Very exciting project!!
Don't let yourself be frustrated by these experiments - try other ways - maybe the surface was too thin, maybe the materials were not appropriate, maybe ice is afraid of Garfield eating ice-creams... who knows?..
But you have to be persistent.
Work more on your boards in order to better explain your ideas and project - visually and with little text.
The structure on which the ice will form should inform it and not contain it or force it too much... we talked about a re-enforcement structure during the review (maybe steel pics with little pics on which the ice would attach itself... i guess you could find ideas by experimenting structurally with the chemical ice you are using). Also look at natural ice formations such as stalactites and stalagmites... and maybe also at the structure of ice itself (very beautiful images..)
Work on the reading process + sound principle as well and on representation on the board.
Ice models for Monday + flash animation of the formation process would be really good.

Make models!! Experiment with these 3 strategies to create infinity within 300 sqm :
micro - macro - and materials at our scale ---
You should also experiment on the 3d geometrical organization of this structure of hexagons... don't be afraid of torturing them a bit. Working first on 3d software will help you with this - but then text with physical models. Get Rhino and jump inside - you will expand your possibilities.
Do not forget the void and illusion/loss of orientation - maybe also you could play with our relation to gravity.
What is your situation? where are you and why? how do you make use of this situation, of this environment?...
And what are we reading in there? is it a traditional way of reading books? what are the books about?
all should make sense....

A very beautiful project taking shape....
You should work on your plan now - the notion of border, of the wall, the line which separates... unifies... deceives....
And according to the role of the sun from morning till evening also...
To develop skin and structure as we discussed yesterday, look at crafts and materials used by these two countries... And remember your previous models and the discussions we had - you can learn a lot from that - i liked your experiments with the sort of white glue... it is good when it gets dirty and uncontrolled, especially in relation to the scenario you are creating.
Also define the readings and the two cultures in fact one.. khmer... the role of english....
And don't forget to articulate your work from the story of the swimmer - the journey, the path, delusion, deception...

Very exciting as well.......but now be attentive to all the ingredients you brought in....listen to them.
You are going form solid to liquid - it is a progression and not a rupture... Thus the links between your segments (or whatever you will develop from now) should also change progressively.
Same with the material you are using, glass. There are many ways to treat glass to give it very diverse aspects and properties. Do a research on this.
I googled shell origami and found a few more examples you could be testing. Do it for Monday! - at a much bigger scale and with expensive tracing paper - it will be very interesting structural inspiration.
You can also already make sections through these origami shells (physically if you can manage, or imaginary with drawings - go to the Bangkok Sea Shell museum - you will see a lot of these shells cut in section - this will help you a lot for your drawings and to imagine the interior spaces for reading and storing books.
Remember also that you were talking about dizziness.. because of the movement of the sea... this is a very interesting condition for reading - books have to be chosen very carefully along this progression from hardness to dizziness... Your idea with the realistic fiction to unrealistic or science fiction is a good intuition...



I have been working since yesterday and researching until now but I didn't achieve anything that able to create a space by music in an ice form, I have tried different way though chemical and watching experiment about ice. I cannot possibly find the way to make a conniption creating space or system of experience reading
refference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC-KOYQsIvU&feature=related

 I used sodium hydroxide to experiment melting ice
 Try cutting ice with copper to created different size
 I research about making hot ice (instance ice) but it failed its not freeze
I tried to make a sound from ice but its not work either (hitting in different size)

I can't continue working on it . I'm very disappointed that I can't find the way out. Do you have any suggestion? because Im in the dead end now.



 This is a model that i show to you in class. I'm show a basic idea of how it is arrange, where connect to the side and stairs connect to the upper floor.
This is a new idea of using the same hexagon shape with a different arrangement. I think of this idea as i tried to make the hexagon into a dome.

So which one do you think is better?

And also i think i'll choose the vast ocean ocean where nothing is in sight as the scenario, since the horizon and the sea kind of represent the infinite space. Also the reflection of water is an inspiration that i want to cover my wall, roof, and floor with mirror; so the people inside see the infinite reflection.

preparation for Wednesday's pin-up

For Wednesday you will each have minimum 4 plates + several prototypes :

plates (a3 or larger) :

  • SITUATION - chosen/imagined situation (location-time-context...)---with images, explanation texts, sketches in section, plans, etc.
  • RESEARCH - cases studies / material studies / physical, psychological studies / etc.
  • READING - your definition of reading + the units of reading (all 100 or excerpts, principle, categories) in images, sketches and texts + anything you think fit
  • PROCESS (more than one plate) - the way your reading space works (it can be in precise sketches, perspective rendering, detailed diagrams,  plans, sections, according to what suits best your project and what we discussed today during tutorial) 

This is a generic requirement that should help you move forward.
You can give other titles to the pages if you like. You should also give a name to your project - it always helps.
...And you can have more than 1 plate for each subject of course...

Start the plates now with what you have done already (take pics of models, scan your drawings...) and complete the plates as you develop your work.
You will continue working on them until the end of the project, designing them with your own aesthetics according to what you are working on.

You should also be able to describe and explain your idea and process of thinking from the beginning of the reading project. Making one more plate for this will help you - in the form diagrams, text, sketches, ... Bring all work done from the beginning (or documentation of it).

These are physical (and/or computational) experimental models. Not just one but many!!
Some of them could have scale but this is not a requirement.

To these you can add videos, animations, ... anything you are now working on!

The point of this phase of the project is for you to get familiar with the ingredients you are working with, to understand the logics of the architecture you are developing and experiment with its reality as much as possible - technical drawings and modes of representation will be developed further later.

Good luck!! 

I urgently need update of work from you, Woody (you are in a critical situation...)


Jaa' studio work

the swimmer 3d diagram...

reading space project's process

- for the location I thinking about beach. the reason that select the beach because on day time and night time the height of water is totally difference because of the rising tide. so, night time would relate to the story that Neddy was deceive himself and also the day light could be the truth that he was running away from. the picture below also show how it will connect to the ground and the entrance of it.

I still working on the reading collection. and the shape of my space also its details. Just want to show you my idea and waiting for some suggestion ka :) I also having hard time selecting the 100 collection.        


Palm's studio

Hello, Aj. Camilee
I've working on the project and has just decided what I would like to do with my reading space. The main theme/concept is still about "deception" and I would still do the "hidden/reveal structure" but I think I would like to play around with light and shadow. Basically at day time, the light outside will shine on the outer surface and create a pattern inside.. that pattern will be different from the pattern of "night time" when the light inside will shine on the inner surface and produce a shadow pattern on the exterior. I would like to create a contrast between these shadow patterns to represent "deception" ( the contrast between what Neddy sees himself as and what others see him as.) . As with the things to read...I was wondering if I can read the "shadows"since, shadows can be manipulated and distort , it also tide in with the deception theme. I'm figuring out the "100 units" of shadows... not sure what it would be exactly.. perhaps 100 different shadows? or 100 objects that cast the shadows?  


This is a simple sample of my space. I'm thinking of reduce the unit to fit the space specification


Design studio

Just a quick note... Focus on you studio project for now, Your portfolio is an ongoing project you will always work on in parallel. Just explore formats and make sure you properly save all your work. You can bring it to me for discussion any time durin the semester. Best wishes


Using prism to refract the sun light
Using a camera to take a photo and phenomenon between sun light and lens.

Using DVD to reflect the white light at the most perfect angle to made a rainbow
Using the prism to extract the colour of light, this image happened inside the prism.


for monday 12/03

dears - please make sure EVERYONE reads this -

for monday & for all....

- formatted researches and case studies

- the collection of these 100 units... 

- model at 1:100
.presenting your chosen situation
.relation to the ground
.idea for entrance/exit

- drawings
.scenario (this will then be developed into your perspective views as well as plan and sections so very important) - point of view of your choice - any number of sequential images - any media of your liking (video, water colour, pencil drawing, 3d rendering, animation, game, experimental models, etc.)
.plan and/or section at 1:100

Please ask ANY QUESTION you might have and post your work in progress....
We have a pin-up coming very soon and you have the whole week to develop the ideas we discussed yesterday... so have a good week of work (this time) !

Boon don't forget to post your 3d diagram pictures on the blog by tomorrow evening...


Problem with computer

I encounter a problem with my computer just now. It kind of broken and the computer function properly now, i can't open any work or even any web or page. I'm sending you this email via my friend's computer. I can't work or even showing it to you. All my work are in my computer which i can't bring out. I'll go to the shop and retrieve it. So i will try to get it to you on Wednesday. I'll understand that it will be consider as late but i try my best make my computer work again.