And before you leave...
please post your final projects on the blog
it is very important as it shows the final outcome of your researches posted earlier ;
as it will help you prepare the CD submission for January ;
and as i will count it in your grade!
- DESIGN 1 / INDA International Program / Chulalongkorn faculty of architecure / BANGKOK - The studio follows the general brief and schedule given to all second year students.
for the break...
Congratulations for this semester and for all the work produced at the end!
I truly enjoyed working with you!
And now i would like to make some recommendations for the break :
First of all, keep on (or start...) reading, more and more!!
Particularly, and to prepare for the 2nd semester :
- this is an extensive list, i know,
but you can pick whatever attracts you!
and i particularly recommend what is in bold and with **** -
Gordon Cullen, The Concise Townscape (1995)
Peter Eisenman, Diagram Diaries, Eisenman Inside Out: Selected Writings 1963-1988
A. Peter Fawcett, Architecture Design Notebook (2003)
Buckminster Fuller: An Auto-Biographical Monologue/Scenario, Robert Snyder (1980) *****
Rem Koolhaas, Delirious New York, A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan (1978) **
Gordon Matta-Clark, edited by Corinne Diserens, survey by Thomas Crow - London: Phaidon (2003)
Frei Otto: complete works : lightweight construction, natural design / Winfried Nerdinger Birkhauser, 2005 ******
Bernard Tschumi, Architecture and Disjunctions: Collected Essays 1975-1990, The Manhattan Transcripts
Various, Dictionary of Design and Designers (2003)
Robert Venturi, Learning from Las Vegas (with Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour), Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture
Rendow Yee, Architectural Drawing: A visual compendium of types and methods (2007)
theorists and art/architecture historians:
Architectures experimentales, 1950-2000: collection du FRAC Centre ****** / coordination generale, Marie-Ange Brayer -Orleans: Hyx, 2003 + see website here http://www.frac-centre. fr/public/collecti/ftcl01en. htm - look at the names of architects and artists and make your own research!
Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (1960); Design by Choice (1982); A Critic Writes (1999)
Beatriz Colomina ed., Sexuality and Space (1992)
Colin Davies, High-tech architecture, (1988)
Mike Davis, Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control, The Ecology of Fear (1992), Planet of Slums: Urban Involution and the Informal Working Class (2006), Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster (2000) *****
Robert Evans, The Projective Cast (2000)
EH Gombrich, The Uses of Images. Studies in the Social Function of Art and Visual Communication (1997)
Nikolaus Pevsner, The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design (1960)
Simon Sadler , Situationist city
Susan Sontag, On Photography (1977)
Various, Art in Theory 1900-2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas (2002)
Anthony Vidler, Warped Space (2000)
Paul Virilio, Open Sky (1997)
Tom Wolfe, From our House to Bauhaus (1981)
Gaston Bachelard, Poetics of Space (1958) ****
Roland Barthes, The Fashion System (1967); Camera Lucida (1981), Empire of signs (1982)
John Berger, Ways of Seeing (1972)
Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (1910), Matter and Memory (1911) ***
Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle (1967)
Manuel de Landa **
Manuel de Landa **
fiction writers:
Jorge Luis Borges, Fictions (and others) *********
Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves (2000)
Georges Perec, Species of Spaces (1974)
Junichiro Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows (1993) *****
J.G. Ballard - science fiction novels
Philip K Dick - science fiction novels **
Katherine Harmon, Personal Maps and Other Maps of the Imagination (2003)
Edward Tufte, Envisaging Information (1990)
film-makers and photographers:
Robert Elwall, Building with light: international history of architectural photography - London: Merrell
Fancois Truffaut, A Definitive Study of Hitchcock (1986)
Andreas Gursky: photographs from 1984 to the present / edited by Marie Luise Syring - Art Data, 1998
Instant Light Tarkovsky Polaroids
Sergei Eisenstein, Montage and architecture
If you like, i would also be happy to recommend films and filmmakers to you.
Continue checking out blogs... (list on the side!)
I will be back in January
if you want to meet to get individual feedback on the semester and advice to go forward
again please let me know!
if you want to meet to get individual feedback on the semester and advice to go forward
again please let me know!
Have a delightful break !
Khim: Container Updates [Final Design]
4 Slots
4 Slots: Top View
It's similar to the Chan-Ooy one, but stronger, with additional acrylic covers so that they would stay in shape. The only difference is that the initial pose of the container would no longer be a flat, rectangular stripe (which wouldn't make a difference anyway since there's no purpose in starting it with that shape), and in order to make 'one' slot, one of the hinges needs to be pulled out. But with 2-4 slots, just rotating the container or flipping it would make it works just fine.
3 Slots
3 Slots: Top View
2 Slots
Another important point is, I do not want to put the chan-ooy textures (the coffee one and the one made with dull blade) or the korean clay onto this work. My opinion is that, the textures do not represent the touch pad, since the feeling of touch on textures and the feeling of touch on the touch pad is of a different meaning. To 'touch' the touch pad is to activate its function. To 'touch' on textures is just to feel it on your senses. And in addition to that, for this design, it looks much better without the textures.
I want to imply that, like the touchpad screen which is just a flat surface with just icons on it, 'touching' it would activate its function. It is the same with this one, since when you 'touch' it by rotating and flipping its surface, the shape of the container changes into a usable one [turn into slots by which the mouse could be put in] and thus this is also what it is to 'touch'. I think, to me, this is another interpretation of it.
It is a very good idea to put textures on to represent the touches, it's just that for this design, to me, I like it better without one. I will not put textures onto this design. However, the idea of textures to represent the touch of the touch pad did gave me various ideas, and it really helps me with my project. Without that idea I wouldn't be able to develop this one, so thank you very much!
Review preparation
For this final review we will have guest jurors with us.
Bring all your work from the beginning of the object project an prepare your oral presentation well in order to explain the entire development of your project.
Be smart! And brief...
I recommend that you write down the most important ideas and their articulation.
But do not read the paper during the presentation!!!
You should have absorbed it...
Good luck to all of you!
It really was a pleasure for me to be with you this semester.
Ps: be on time!!! 9am sharp
Kanoon's Plant Nursery sketch
Kanoon's Plant Nursery
I choose the Butterfly roof because of its ability to collect rainwater.
Floor Plans and Elevations
Note: Blue ink is directions of water/leak runs and the Orange ink is for the stairways.
Usage of each levels
Please let me know if you have any suggestion :)
Final submissions
2 things:
# The submission date of your CDs/DVDs for T&S and studio is NEXT Wednesday (30)
We will not have studio as i will be in the 3rd year review - but we should all meet for lunch of after 5 to discuss the semester as well. Please let me know what i best for you.
# For the final presentation, you should have
- all drawings and experiments documents made with your object
- all study models and sketches (well presented!) made during the development of the container
- the final container (one or several depending on your project)
- a drawing explaining this container (its idea, or the way it works, or what it refers to, etc. on A2 - this is a formal drawing, not a sketch - it could be an exploded axo or else... only a few of you already had it for last presentation)
- AT LEAST, on perspective drawing (rendering) of the scenario as discussed in class
- and one additional document of your choice (video, animation, plan, section, elevation, series of perspective drawings, models, etc.) to better explain this scenario
One more thing....
Penpen, Jean and Title, please post your work in progress BY THE END OF TODAY to have a blog tutorial.
# The submission date of your CDs/DVDs for T&S and studio is NEXT Wednesday (30)
We will not have studio as i will be in the 3rd year review - but we should all meet for lunch of after 5 to discuss the semester as well. Please let me know what i best for you.
# For the final presentation, you should have
- all drawings and experiments documents made with your object
- all study models and sketches (well presented!) made during the development of the container
- the final container (one or several depending on your project)
- a drawing explaining this container (its idea, or the way it works, or what it refers to, etc. on A2 - this is a formal drawing, not a sketch - it could be an exploded axo or else... only a few of you already had it for last presentation)
- AT LEAST, on perspective drawing (rendering) of the scenario as discussed in class
- and one additional document of your choice (video, animation, plan, section, elevation, series of perspective drawings, models, etc.) to better explain this scenario
One more thing....
Penpen, Jean and Title, please post your work in progress BY THE END OF TODAY to have a blog tutorial.
good luck to all !
could you ALL post your object studies panels (the work done for last formal review before the flood), along with a little explanation... (as you are making the CD submission you have to scan all this)
DSTS1: Illusion Pictures & Video Clip
Five pictures of the site with the illusion (as stated in the assignment):
Installation Process:
The Video Clip:
Included in the CD.
The file size is too big to be uploaded here, since the blog only allows an upload of 100MB.
We also have these on a CD, awaiting to turn in, but we're posting it here just in case.
Ally, Khim, Pik, Kanoon
diverse references for some of you
Khim, I briefly talked about science fiction writer Philip K. Dick (he is the writer of many novels that have been adapted to films) - try to read J.G. Ballard as well.
Jean, the novel by Ballard with the singing plants is called Prima Belladonna.
Mim, again, i recommend to you the films of David Lynch. Especially Lost Highway (the house plays an important role in this film) and Mulholland Drive.
Pik, for building-machines, look at Archigram's work - and although more difficult to find, the drawings and buildings by the japanese architect Shin Takamatsu.
Remember the video The way things go, you can also look at artwork by Arthur Ganson and ZIMOUN.
Maybe you could also watch the splendid and very important film Metropolis by Fritz Lang. A great reference anyway!
Penpen, the work of ZIMOUN (recording devices, archives, repetition...) might inspire yours - for its aesthetics also...
If i recommend a reading for you, it is Borges and especially The Library of Babel in Fictions (short stories).
A very beautiful archive building is Yale University Beinecke Archive Library in the USA.
Munkong - you need to work very hard now!! Jean as well... to make up from last pin-up
Tao - case studies on molecular gastronomy might be of interest to you...
Title, look at the work of the architect Philippe Rahm.
Boss, the chinese artist Liu Bolin (we talked about his work last crit...)
and since you were talking about camouflage and the army... read this crazy article!
But your project is something else than camouflage, about interdependence, relations rather than individuation (synergy - synergetics)... more interesting actually!
Khanoon and Ally, document yourselves on the type of building you aim to invent (plant nursery, factory... ) and start imagining yours from those known elements, requirements or principles of functioning.
ps TS
I still have not seen the installation construction drawings of one group... sorry to say grades will be reduced accordingly.
Jean, the novel by Ballard with the singing plants is called Prima Belladonna.
Mim, again, i recommend to you the films of David Lynch. Especially Lost Highway (the house plays an important role in this film) and Mulholland Drive.
Pik, for building-machines, look at Archigram's work - and although more difficult to find, the drawings and buildings by the japanese architect Shin Takamatsu.
Remember the video The way things go, you can also look at artwork by Arthur Ganson and ZIMOUN.
Maybe you could also watch the splendid and very important film Metropolis by Fritz Lang. A great reference anyway!
Penpen, the work of ZIMOUN (recording devices, archives, repetition...) might inspire yours - for its aesthetics also...
If i recommend a reading for you, it is Borges and especially The Library of Babel in Fictions (short stories).
A very beautiful archive building is Yale University Beinecke Archive Library in the USA.
Munkong - you need to work very hard now!! Jean as well... to make up from last pin-up
Tao - case studies on molecular gastronomy might be of interest to you...
Title, look at the work of the architect Philippe Rahm.
Boss, the chinese artist Liu Bolin (we talked about his work last crit...)
and since you were talking about camouflage and the army... read this crazy article!
But your project is something else than camouflage, about interdependence, relations rather than individuation (synergy - synergetics)... more interesting actually!
Khanoon and Ally, document yourselves on the type of building you aim to invent (plant nursery, factory... ) and start imagining yours from those known elements, requirements or principles of functioning.
ps TS
I still have not seen the installation construction drawings of one group... sorry to say grades will be reduced accordingly.
Container Question + Ideas
I'm quite confused from the last review, but I plan to develop a new design using the same ideas (but not with the bandages or the Egyptian's tomb anymore; it would still be a "tomb" to interpret the death of the mouse, but not literally an ancient tomb.) The ideas are as said below:
The concept:
A container to "store the information of/about the mouse so that it can be found and used/developed/restored again in the future". The purpose is similar to that of a tomb, but what I will be making is not an "ancient tomb", but instead, since this is in modern times and it's this modern time that the optical mouse (will) die out, it will be a "modern tomb".
This modern tomb is a container recording information regarding the mouse for those who find it in the future.
My definition of the container is that,
a container is not only used for storage or display, but it is also used to interpret "what it stores (the object)", or in other words, "the object's presence in time, information, and its initial appearance (before it gets damaged or gets old)" as well.
Due to the last review, the "feeling of touch" was mentioned. So I will be making an "interface" of the touchpad (not exactly of MacBook or iPhone or anything; this touchpad could be of any brand, just to give the "general idea of the touch pad"). Each "icon (aka. interface buttons, the one displayed on the screen)" on the touch pad will be made using the Chan-Ooy I have experimented with (the one made using the dull blade of the cutter, the one made with coffee, etc.) and Korean clay.

An interface displaying the "icons"
This means, each of the icons will be made using different materials, or a combination of the same materials that were altered (eg. Chan-Ooy with coffee used with Chan-Ooy made with cutter blades). This will give each icon a different surface, and therefore a different "feeling" when "touched". Some icons might be rough, while some might be soft, elastic, etc. depending on what the icon represents. The icons, instead of the icons for "notes", "calendar", or "camera", I might be using "notes (for those in the future who found this and might find the mouse to be useful, or can be used/developed again)", "history (timeline of the mouse to give an idea for the finder in case they want to develop it again)", "gallery (pictures of the optical mouse and the touchpad, compared for the differences)".
Other than the differences in surface of the icons, I plan to make it so that you can "drag" the icon and "slide" it (like what could be done to the touchpad) and from doing so, the container can be opened.
This might seem a bit confusing, so it might be clearer to explain it in class again. I just wanted to give an early idea of what I'm planning to develop.
Thank you, and see you in class.
next phase of the project
For the next phase of this studio project, you are to imagine a context of your "container" and object.
You already moved from the object's scale to a larger one, in most cases involving human interaction, implication...
This phase really is about developing this idea further - whether in the form of a scenario, of renderings (drawings of this container and the object in situation), of an animation etc.
You now have the element of time, and of place/context/setting to think about.
Prepare this for tomorrow as much as you can (along with the work you had to develop according to the review comments).
An interesting example of a container articulated to (and in this case completely driven by) a situation is the project Body in Transit by Didier Fiuza Faustino.
T&S ps:
- The 2-points perspective drawing of your volume in the faculty is still on (due on Monday) - choose a challeging and surprising station point! (you can look through floors, walls, be an ant, a bird, etc.)
- Jean - I still have not seen your fruit castings
- Penpen and Tao - i have no grades for your axonometric drawings of the faculty - please bring them tomorrow!
For the next phase of this studio project, you are to imagine a context of your "container" and object.
You already moved from the object's scale to a larger one, in most cases involving human interaction, implication...
This phase really is about developing this idea further - whether in the form of a scenario, of renderings (drawings of this container and the object in situation), of an animation etc.
You now have the element of time, and of place/context/setting to think about.
Prepare this for tomorrow as much as you can (along with the work you had to develop according to the review comments).
An interesting example of a container articulated to (and in this case completely driven by) a situation is the project Body in Transit by Didier Fiuza Faustino.
T&S ps:
- The 2-points perspective drawing of your volume in the faculty is still on (due on Monday) - choose a challeging and surprising station point! (you can look through floors, walls, be an ant, a bird, etc.)
- Jean - I still have not seen your fruit castings
- Penpen and Tao - i have no grades for your axonometric drawings of the faculty - please bring them tomorrow!
Kanoon's sketch
From the review, you and Aj.Jasmine asked me which idea I am going to focus, the heart and the leak of container of the leak.. . Well.. my project starts with the leak, and to make a picture from unpredicable leak, for me, is more interesting than just stamping the colour or paint it exactly the same everytime.
(feel so sorry to Fern's idea ;w;)
Since the idea is similar to the idea that you argued that it can just make only circle, umm well, yes propably, but I think that if I slope them, it might decreases the chance that it is going to draw a circle, as well as adding one more step of container.
and I also manage the remove the mess-looking tube. it looks too systematic when the tubes are all around. Then the leak from the bottle will drop directly into the first container and runs down by the gravity force.
One objective I'm really want to do, is to make the 3 containers "movable" horizontally. The intersect area of them may cause the different routes for the running leak.
If this idea is OK, I will start the project with acrylic as soon as possible. I just want to spare some time for the failures which is possibly happened.. D':
ps. Someone told that this project's review will be on this monday, but some from Aj.Nilay said that it will be on 28Nov with the final project, so when exactly the review will be?
and about the DS' work, do we still need to draw a 2-points perspective of the site we rendered last time? I saw your comment on Khim's post..
Thank you :)
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