site analysis + model + individual work

You have still a lot of work to do !

I think the best for you is to plan to finish group work by Sunday
and then do individual work on Monday and Tuesday

For the group work,

as we discussed yesterday, the most important thing now is to transform all you data and observations into drawings :

big map to explain the site globally - this should be at 1/200 in order to prepare for model making
/ it will be huge but you should start it digitally from Bing Map view with all the shapes of the buildings.
You have to add the general information on it. + description of boundaries between the different sections.

- detailed close-up maps at 1/50 of the different neighbourhoods you studied / alternatively you could present this in axonometric view - this is actually necessary for Jane and Jaa (tower and floors)
add more detailed informations on these maps 

section through the canal at 1/50 - you need to know the shape and depth of the canal!
Continue the one started digitally, extend on both sides and add the background (tower, mosque, etc.)

- all these documents and details need to be coordinated in terms of colour and shape coding

- the panoramic views you did was a good start, but the information can also be added on the pictures and through drawings and sketches and not too much text

drawings of the existing pier at 1/50

drawings with informations - description about this pier

drawings with informations about the water public transport and the users

drawings with informations about the different transportations of people and of goods around the site
detail what is transported - from where? to where? 
+ different types of vehicles 
what is the journey of a cart? 
does water transportation play a big role? 
This site is a market (many markets..) we need to understand better how it is run...

comparison of the different rhythms on this site (muslim daily rhythm, market and worker rhythm, day rhythm vs night rhythm, etc.)

--- anything else you planned ?

Post this work by Sunday on the blog - and in progress before that if you need help. 
If you need you can also come here for tutorial...
- model at 1/200
here are instructions form Aj Nilay :

The idea was to have massing of the area around the site expressed in a similar format across sections for use throughout the design process, final review, and year end exhibition.  The scale of each group model should be 1:200 and should cover at least 15,000 square meters (1.5 hectares) of the context.  The minimum size model would be roughly equal to 2/3 of an A1 sheet.  The shape of the area modeled is flexible but should not overlap with another section.
Each model should be made from chan-noy so that we maintain a consistent language between sections. 

examples of details required


Some thoughts about site analysis....

From your observations during the groups presentation yesterday,what do you think happens when someone presents a site... ?

well i think that when doing so, one is able to orient the view and opinion of the audience, especially if the audience has never been on this site...
It makes the audience believe that the site is such or such - as we have seen yesterday, we can totally re-design a site by doing a site analysis presentation.

In short, you create stories, you create facts, depending on what you looked at, what you found interesting, etc.

And this is where it is specially interesting when developing a project - after all what we expect from you is a good understanding of a situation, but also your take on it, what you personally see, the potentials you can spot, the way you project this site...

So after finishing the group work, which should be a collective database that each of you is able to read and use for his/her project, you have to start taking your own way...

The site analysis will be extremely tied to your project. They will eventually become one....

So prepare your own project for Wednesday's tutorials by 
- collecting the data which corresponds to your interest,
- sketching, and manipulating the sketches to add the data that is relevant to your idea.
As we said, sketches are not just pretty drawings, then need to tell you something... add annotations, different views, collages, etc. to them.
- writing
- modifying pictures
- finding references for inspiration

best wishes!

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