Kanoon's 2nd Experiment

Experiment with Rubber Liquid

It is 100 cc bottle of (,I don't know what they called, so I ended up by calling it,) Rubber Liquid :D The liquid is not very sticky as I thought , so what we can do is to paint a thin layer of it on some surface and wait unit it's dry.
After I painted it on Chaan-oy for 1 layer, it's sticky like a rubber!
Then I continued for about 4-5 times...

It seems thicker and surely waterproof like rubber, then I tried with another material: the plastic bottle.

Only 1 layer of it is a bit thin..It's like a skin when I tried to remove it out of the bottle, it rolled and ended up being like...

.. A rubber band!! XD

I thought that's because the layer of rubber is not thick enough so I tried more.

(note: When I'm going to paint a new later of rubber liquid, I need to make sure that the older layer is completely dry --according to label of the rubber liquid's bottle)
This time I tried to carefully remove it, but as soon as they touched each other.... it'd all gone D':
I tried to separate it out but also as soon as they touched each other... (like a loop..)
(note: while it is sticky to itself so much, unlike glue, it doesn't seem to stick to our hands or any materials.)

Like a big rubber band, doesn't it?

From the experiment, I think of the idea that I could use the rubber liquid as a waterproof-coat for another materials, like Chaan-oy, or cardboard paper... so what do you think?

PS. Thank you for the comments, and about the film.. I have looked its trailer on youtube and couldn't help saying "what??", it looks real mad, doesn't it? haha I will try to watch it, my internet is very slow, I also do not know why.

1 comment:

  1. Could there be a way to use ONLY this material, or in assemblage with other, but not as the coating layer of the others?...
    for itself, for what it can do, the shapes it can take etc.
    It would be very interesting to mix with silicon, cast petroleum jelly (paraffin as we already used) or rather existing tubes (small plastic tubes, flexible or plumbing-like...)

    Another (mad) reference for you, and the use of this kind of material, Matthew Barney.
